Recovery Chickamauga provides a support system for anyone who is considering recovery for themselves or who has already committed to this process. Our program offers several extremely important elements that are required to produce a successful recovery. However, Recovery Chickamauga is not a detox facility, a treatment center nor do we provide transitional living quarters. Other institutions must provide those services for individuals who struggle with addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. We do provide the support following treatment that is so critical to the process of learning how to live without chemical dependency. It has been said that, “It’s easy to quit. It’s living without it that’s hard.” That statement pretty much sums it up.
There are two questions that anyone considering getting into recovery must answer in the affirmative. They are:
1 — Do you really want to quit?
2 — Are you willing to do whatever it takes?
Basically, in order to end any serious addiction (not just drugs and alcohol) a person must first get past the physical root of the addiction and then learn new, healthy ways of coping with the issues that drive the addiction. Individually, working on our own, almost never produces any success. A person in recovery must depend on the support of others to see them though the process. To be successful, a person must totally give themselves over to the process as controlled by others. There is another saying that makes this point, “Your best thinking got you here. Quit thinking.”
Fortunately, a program likeRecovery Chickamauga can help answer your questions, put you into contact with various services, and help guide you through the process while involving you in a community of people who genuinely want to help you.
I know this process works because it worked for me and I believe it can work for you as well.